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  • Writer's pictureIndustry OneCARD

Introduction of the Work Health and Safety Harmonisation Bill

Seriously! are you still sitting on the fence?

No employer should have missed the news last week that the WHS Harmonisation Bill was tabled in the WA Parliament.

Once passed, the Bill will see WA join the majority of other states and territories implementing the Harmonised Model WHS Act and Regulations with the aim to provide all Australians with a healthier and safer workplace.

Increase of fines, penalties and industrial manslaughter charges are all part of the change, which will also include prohibition against insurance indemnity for fines imposed by the criminal courts for breaches the Act.

Having the evidence of a trained and competent workforce is paramount to manage risk to your business of any non-compliance to these laws.

One of the biggest challenges to all industry sectors is the majority of project teams, SMEs and contractors don’t know they are non-compliant until they are audited by client or regulators.

Question to ask yourself

  • Do you know what constitutes evidence?

  • Have you saved evidence and is your evidence accessible?

  • and a very important point often missed; is the evidence current?

If you don’t know, we do!

The Industry OneCARD™ team specialise in workforce compliance.

We do more than other cloud-based platforms and systems, we will to talk to you, work out your pain points and understand your processes and barriers to compliance.

This enables us to make timely and informed decisions on the best way to support your business.

We also do all the data entry for you.

If you think maintaining compliance is expensive, try non-compliance.

If you would like to know more, please contact us or visit our website for more information and access to free self-audit tools.

Industry OneCARD™ - good data enables great decisions

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